With Britton begging me to listen to him read aloud his old Transformers comics until he left for his T2 tennis match this evening, I knew I had to take drastic measures. I had to look busy, but not like I was avoiding him. My solution: blog. Just the right amount of typing, pausing, and concentrated looks needed to fill 30 minutes.
Not too long ago I had a girls' night (and day) with my bestie Julie. While we wandered around Whole Foods looking for some pre movie snacks, Julie pointed to the bakery counter filled with these adorable Tartelettes aux fruit. They were so very light and sweet - I had to attempt them in my own kitchen.
I perused recipes for an hour, vacillating on what kind of cream filling to make. I had an issue with the blandness of the pastry cream filling in the Whole Foods version, so I jazzed it up with lemon juice and lemon zest. I also decided to make a whole pie-size tart. Although I love tiny things, it would be a lot of work for just little old me. I passed on the jelly-like glaze you find on most tarts because a) this thing wasn't going to last through the weekend and b) there are enough calories in this mofo as it is.
You are going to need to zest those lemons like no tomorrow. And if you are like me, you will find a tiny little bowl in which to admire your handy work.
1 of your favorite pie crusts (I think a shortbread crust is more traditional. Frankly, I used a premade crust)
Lemon Curd:
2 eggs
1 cup sugar
1/4 cup butter, melted
1 cup sugar
1/4 cup butter, melted
1/2 cup whole cream (I think half and half may work here. Haven't tried it)
1/3 cup lemon juice
Zest from 2 grated lemons (You can reduce the lemony flavor at this point if prefer a little less "Kapow" and "Shazaam" and "Oh god yes.")
pinch of salt
1/3 cup lemon juice
Zest from 2 grated lemons (You can reduce the lemony flavor at this point if prefer a little less "Kapow" and "Shazaam" and "Oh god yes.")
pinch of salt
Prepare your favorite pie crust and bake the crust to a very light brown. Allow the pie crust to cool on the counter. Add eggs and sugar to a mixer and mix until combined. Removed to a small sauce pan, add the remaining ingredients, and cook on medium heat until thick and glossy. Fill the pie crust with your luscious lemon filling and chill in the refrigerator for at least an hour.
Cut FRESH fruit. I said fresh, dammit.
Arrange these beautifully or horrifically atop your chilled, filled pie. The filling should be solid enough to hold all the fruit in place. Cover the tart and chill again for another 30 min. Serve tart to yourself semi-naked on the floor while watching Bones and simultaneously watching videos of kittens.