I'm a graduate student, a science fiction fanatic, a cultural scholar, and a lover of all things palate-pleasing. I'm chronicling my time as an emerging cook and travel enthusiast. The trials, the tribulations, the total freak outs. Can you handle this level of uncertainty?
Comfort foods are a delicate issue in my apartment, and for good reason. Those drunken 4 A.M. cravings that can only be satisfied by Jello-brand butterscotch pudding mix don't hold a candle to the insanity that fills my mind at the thought of a botched baked mac and cheese. Be it strawberry-rhubarb pie or guacamole, everyone has an opinion about what it should taste like and which ingredients are best. Thus, when I offered to make my puppy-eyed boyfriend his childhood favorite, char siu or Chinese BBQ, I knew that my endeavors would come with insurmountable expectations and god knows how many historic competitors from
On top of this food baggage, it is difficult as a poor college kid to invest in an $11 pork shoulder and a quick trip to the Asian market, knowing there's a 40.56% chance that whatever you do with this hunk of meat, the product could end up inedible. But puppy-eyed looks continued, and the whimpering began, and I knew that it was time to spread my Asian wings and fly.
I scoured the web, and created a delicious congolomeration of ingredients. I tested my engineering skills by creating meat hooks out of "S" hooks so I could roast the hanging meat in my boyfriend's oven. The final product was fantastic, crispy on the outside and soybeany, porky, delicousy on the inside. According to my worst critic and best friend, I "nailed it." This recipe made two meals of plain char siu and three of char siu fried rice.
I failed to take pictures of my miraculous hanging meat rods as well as the final product. I am going to blame that on my inexperience as a food blogger...that and the fact that the char siu was being consumed (by me) faster than I could slice it. This google image search picture will have to do until I can manage to control myself.